Launch of First Contact Physio and Mental Health Therapeutic Practitioner Services

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Introducing Freuchen Medical Centre’s Latest Service Launch!

We are thrilled to announce the introduction of two new services at Freuchen Medical Center. Our goal has always been to provide our patients with the best possible care and attention, and these new services will allow us to continue this mission. We are excited to introduce our First Contact Physio and Mental Health Therapeutic Practitioner Services.

Our First Contact Physiotherapist, Romanus Ogueri, will be available every Tuesday and Thursday to assist patients face-to-face. Romanus has extensive training and experience in musculoskeletal and neuromuscular conditions and is passionate about helping patients manage pain and improve their physical function. He can assess a multitude of Musculoskeletal problems for example:

All soft tissue injuries, sprains, strains, or sports injuries

Arthritis – any joint
Possible problems with muscles, ligaments, tendons, or bone, e.g. tennis elbow, carpal tunnel syndrome, ankle sprain

Our in-house physio can provide you with exercise regimes or refer you to community physiotherapy services.

Our Mental Health Therapeutic Practitioner, Beatrice Udeogba, will be available every first Monday of the month to assist patients face-to-face. Beatrice has specialised training in mental health and will work with patients to help them manage and overcome a variety of mental health issues.

With these new services, patients can attend Freuchen Medical Centre to access first-rate healthcare.

We encourage anyone who may benefit from these services to call our reception on 0208 965 5174 between 10am – 5pm Mon-Fri to book an appointment. We look forward to serving our patients and providing them with the best possible care.